Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Jul 10, 2006

More Noted Things

Miland Brown hosts the Asian History Carnival #5 at World History Blog. Enjoy yourselves! If you'd like to host a future Asian History Carnival, contact: jonathan*at*froginawell*dot* net.

Recent years' enthusiasm for the Founding Fathers has neglected John Witherspoon. Roger Kimball,"The Forgotten Founder," Opinion Journal, 3 July; Jonathan Rowe,"John Witherspoon," Positive Liberty, 3 July; and Brandon Watson,"Musing on Witherspoon," Siris, 7 July, is a conversation that needs to happen.

For updates on the controversy over the sale of the Martin Luther King Papers that were to have been auctioned at Sotheby's, see: Ernie Suggs,"Boston Got Prime King Collection in ‘64 – Free," AJC, 7 July; and"King Papers Taken Off Auction Block, butControversy Continues," Library Journal, 7 July.

On the New York State Court of Appeals' decision in Hernandez v Robles, see both: Greg Robinson's"Is Heterophobia Reasonable?" Cliopatria, 7 July; and Jason Kuznicki,"Did the New York Court of Appeals Botch the Rational Basis Test?" Positive Liberty, 7 July.

Mike Karsnak,"Singer's Ethnic Fusion Produces ‘Kosher Gospel'," Washington Post, 8 July, features Josh Nelson. I heard him at Atlanta's Ebenezer Baptist Church two years ago and posted"Joshua Nelson: Jewish and African American," Cliopatria, 22 July 2004. You can hear some clips here. Turn the sound up. He'll have you on your feet, singing and dancing.

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More Comments:

Jason T. Kuznicki - 7/10/2006

Thanks for both the links. It's Kuznicki with a "c," though...

(And don't worry. It happens all the time.)