Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Jul 11, 2006

Things Noted Here and There

Carnival: Andrew Israel Ross will host History Carnival XXXV on Saturday 15 July at Air Pollution. Send your nominations of exemplary posts in history since 1 July to him at airpollutionblog*at*gmail*dot*com or use the form.

Times Fix: Roger Lowenstein,"The Immigration Equation," NYTimes, 9 July, and Edward Rothstein,"Democracy's Best Friend or Antidemocratic Elitist?" NYTimes, 10 July, are essential reading.

KingDocs: There is more evidence of problems with Atlanta's reclamation of the Martin Luther King documents from auction at Sotheby's in Andrea Jones,"New Home for King Papers," AJC, 11 July. If scholars are guaranteed access to them, as we've been assured, why is a committee of academic biggies being appointed to" control access" to them. Don't force me to go through some permissions process merely to see the documents. Just bring me Box 35, please.

Chicago: Old Chicago: History and Architecture in Vintage Postcards is searchable and organized by architect, building, and street. See what the city looked like before Adam Kotsko re-organized the place! Thanks to Dale Light of Light Seeking Light for the tip.

Scary Thought: Speaking of Wisconsin's Kevin Barrett, Arizona's Deborah Frisch, et al., would you want you child taught by this person? Yikes!

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