Blogs > Cliopatria > History's Calendar

Jul 14, 2006

History's Calendar

Saturday 15 July – Andrew Israel Ross will host History Carnival XXXV at Air Pollution. Send your nominations of exemplary history posts since 1 July asap to him at airpollutionblog*at*gmail*dot*com or use the form.

Monday 17 July – Manan Ahmed will host our sixth symposium here at Cliopatria. It focuses on Bernard Porter's"British and American Imperialisms Compared." Cliopatricians should send their responses to the article to manan*at*uchicago*dot*edu by the evening of Sunday 16 July for posting. Other history bloggers joining us in the symposium should post your responses to Porter's article at your blog and send a link to it to the same address.

Friday 21 July – Hiram Hover will host the Carnival of Bad History at – er – Hiram Hover. Send your nominations of posts since, oh, 25 June exposing really bad history to him at hiram*dot*hover*at*gmail*dot*com or use the form.

Tuesday 25 July – Meg will host an ancient/medieval edition of Carnivalesque Button at Xoom. Send nominations of exemplary pre-1500 CE posts since ca 20 May to her at meg*at*rageaway* dot*com or use the form.

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