Blogs > Cliopatria > From Hala Fattah

Jul 17, 2006

From Hala Fattah

Many of you may remember our colleague, Hala Fattah, from her blog here at HNN, Askari Street. I still miss its occasional and beautifully written essays. A native of Iraq who did her graduate work in history in the United States, Hala lives and works in Amman, Jordan, and is now one of Cliopatria's contributing editors. This morning, Hala wrote to me as follows:
Thank you so much for your concern for those of us in the Arab world/Middle East. I wanted to blog something about the situation yesterday but I couldn't remember my password. All I want to say now is that those of us who live in the so far unaffected parts of the Arab world (unaffected militarily, that is), are very perturbed by the violence in Lebanon, Palestine and of course, Iraq. It is all linked, even though it seems separate to the world outside. For too long we have been pushed around, beaten, pummeled, pulled and of course, killed, for reasons that barely make sense in any other region of the world. All I want to say is this : stop playing with the peoples of the region. For whatever savage logic the West has begun its genocidal wars, stop at once. LEAVE US ALONE.


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Irfan Khawaja - 8/4/2006

Oh speak for yourself, Dr. Luker. I like reading these back-and-forthings quite a bit.

For instance, I like how you always manage to be at the center of the problematic "back and forthings," and conveniently enough, always manage to say whatever you want in them with impunity. My compliments to the editorial staff of HNN...

Another thing I like is the fact that being the one-trick pony that you are, the only argument you ever have at your disposal is the fallacious appeal to authority.

But Grant Jones is right. Issues of truth are not determined by degree or abode, and claims can't be rebutted by sanctimonious, finger-wagging homilies by people whose only argument is: "Watch me pull rank." But that presupposes a concern for truth.

Ralph E. Luker - 7/21/2006

Nice to hear from you again, Irfan.

Col Steve J - 7/19/2006

The leadership of most of the Sunni-led Arab nations are "perturbed by the violence" as well; however, at the recent Arab League meeting on Lebanon, they blamed Hezbollah more than "the West."

diala aljabri - 7/19/2006

Glad Grant can read the Washington Post, but Cohen's article can be read in more ways than one...

Ralph E. Luker - 7/18/2006

Grant, Nobody else wants to read this kind of back and forth. If you think your namecalling and ideological harangues are necessary, I'd appreciate it if you conducted them over on your own blog and not take up space here.

Grant W Jones - 7/18/2006

Ralph, issues of truth are not determined by degrees or abode.

Ralph E. Luker - 7/18/2006

Dr. Fattah has both academic credentials as a historian and a life's experience in the Middle East. You, otoh, have neither and care about history only for its uses as fodder in your polemics. Feel free to return to Cliopatria when you have grown up enough to stop insulting people and lay aside the polemic in favor of thought.

Grant W Jones - 7/18/2006

Fattah’s absurd rant doesn’t merit a serious reply. Cliopatria demeans itself by posting it.

It seems clear that according to Fattah the Israelis do not belong as “peoples of the region.” I’ll simply remind you that the one’s harboring genocidal intentions are Hamas, Hezbollah and their masters in Iran. Tellingly, Fattah makes no mention for the reasons Israel has no choice but to use force in self-defense. The implications of these omissions are not pretty.

There is no linkage between Israel’s acts of self-defense, Iran’s genocidal purposes and the ongoing civil war in Iraq and Fattah doesn’t supply any evidence to the contrary. If you folks at Cliopatria wish to belief assertions that are completely unsupported, that’s your privilege.

Jordan has nothing to fear from Israel. That is unless Jordan launches another unprovoked attack upon Israel, which is unlikely. In 1970 the Jordanians expelled the PLO with much bloodshed. So, I guess some violence is more equal than others.

Fattah is my “better?” Again Ralph, assertions require proof.

P.S. Today Richard Cohen in his Washington Compost column stated, “The greatest mistake Israel could make at the moment is to forget that Israel itself is a mistake.”

Robert KC Johnson - 7/18/2006

Indeed. And while I'm not currently in Israel, the latest barrage of Hezbollah rockets fell not far from where I was a month ago.

Hala's closing line, it seems to me, perfectly sums up Israel's demand of Hezbollah.

Ralph E. Luker - 7/18/2006

Grant, If you continue to engage in nothing more than name-calling insult to people who are your betters, you will no longer be welcome at this site.

Grant W Jones - 7/18/2006

"For whatever savage logic the West has begun its genocidal wars, stop at once. LEAVE US ALONE."


Ralph E. Luker - 7/18/2006

Chris, You don't seem to get it. At least three of us are "in the middle of this." I know that recognizing that wouldn't serve your own agenda, but it's a fact.

chris l pettit - 7/18/2006

best wishes to Hala...

Somethings tells me the ignorant disgraces to the human race (including some supporters in this site) will not listen...too bad we can't transport them into the middle of this to experience it since that seems to be all they understand...