Blogs > Cliopatria > Still More Noted

Jul 22, 2006

Still More Noted

Dr. History,"Advice to First Year Graduate Students," Dr. History, 18 July, has some helpful tips.

The current issue of Essays in Philosophy features articles on the philosophy of history. Thanks to Alfredo Perez of Political Theory Daily Review for the tip.

Andrew Israel Ross, Another Damned Medievalist, and Alun Salt debate identity-history.

Eric Alterman reviews David S. Brown, Richard Hofstadter: An Intellectual Biography (scroll down).

In Tony Judt,"The Country That Wouldn't Grow Up," Haaretz, 5 May, the NYU historian speaks to Israelis about their country's history. Thanks to Michael Bérubé for the tip.

Marc Lynch,"Power Ploy: Why Three Arab Regimes Are Publicly Aligning Themselves Against Hezbollah and Iran," American Prospect, 20 July, explores the role of the Egyptian, Jordanian, and Saudi Arabian regimes in the current crisis. It's about getting talk of"democratization" off the table.

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