Blogs > Cliopatria > Miscellany: massages, exposures, graphics, and snowflakes

Jul 25, 2006

Miscellany: massages, exposures, graphics, and snowflakes

President Bush’s massage, or whatever it was, of German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel inspires this NY Times article on politicians getting touch-feely on a world wide basis. Putin kisses bellies? Who would have figured?

On the blog at Guardian United, this discussion about exposing ones personal life via email segues into an interesting discussion of the intelligence community’s intranet. It also is a sad reminder that the intelligence community’s leadership will punish anyone who reminds their colleagues that the organization tortures people. Maybe that thought is bad for morale.

Elsewhere in the news, the latest complications in the Middle East have inspired some sources to produce graphics to help people understand the alliances du jour. Two are linked to this New York Times article. (The second is particularly good.)

Finally, care of’s Explainer, a chart of the different types of snowflakes. Be sure to check out the Gallery Links. This is one.
In this hot world, a reminder of cold beauty.

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More Comments:

Andrew D. Todd - 7/26/2006

Find "social grooming": in

Oscar Chamberlain - 7/25/2006

I agree. The absolute kindest adjective I can think of For Bush's action is the British usage of "boorish." But that does not go far enough.

Manan Ahmed - 7/25/2006

I fail to see how Bush's 'massage' of Merkel isn't a gross violation of workplace ethics and her personal space. Would he 'goosed' Blair? Or tousled Chirac's bald head? Doubtful.