Blogs > Cliopatria > Carnival Time

Aug 1, 2006

Carnival Time

Carnivalesque XVII is up over at Xoom. Meg is your host for a frolic in ancient and medieval history. If you're interested in hosting a future edition of Carnivalesque Button, in either its ancient/medieval or its early modern incarnations, you should contact Sharon Howard and/or Julie Hofmann at carnivalesque*at* earlymodernweb*dot*org*dot*uk.

Laura James is your host for History Carnival XXXVI at CLEWS: The Historic True Crime Blog. The Cliopatrician of Leicester, Sharon Howard, is on sabbatical for the summer, but if you'd like to host a future edition of History Carnival, you should contact her at: sharon*at*earlymodernweb*dot* org*dot*uk .

Finally, Nicholas Lemann's"Amateur Hour," New Yorker, 7 August, is a condescending but provocative look at the Internet's" citizen journalism." Drawing on Mark Knights' Representation and Misrepresentation in Later Stuart Britain: Partisanship and Political Culture, Lemann might have strengthened his case with Caleb McDaniel's"Blogging in the Early Republic." Yet, he's published some good historical work, himself, and frames his criticism of blogging with a strong sense of history. Thanks to Andrew Sullivan for the tip.

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