Blogs > Cliopatria > Some More Noted Things

Aug 3, 2006

Some More Noted Things

Robin Hanbury-Tenison,"Evidence of pre-Aboriginal Australians?" Times Online, 26 July, considers the controversy in Australia about the source and antiquity of these drawings.

In"Alchemy in Philadelphia," Books & Culture, 31 July, John Wilson reports on July's International Conference on the History of Alchemy and Chymistry at the Chemical Heritage Foundation in Philadelphia. The conference's schedule is here.

William Grimes,"Where Do Babies Come From? In the 17th Century, Scientists Laid Myths to Rest," NYTimes, 2 August, reviews Matthew Cobb, Generation: The Seventeenth-Century Scientists Who Unraveled the Secrets of Sex, Life and Growth.

Robert Pringle,"Miracle in Mali," Wilson Quarterly, [ca July 2006], reports on the transition to democracy in a largely Muslim west African nation with a history of colonial rule and post-colonial dictatorship.* Thanks to Arts & Letters Daily for the tip.
*For criticism of Pringle's article, see Daniel Drezner,"The Problem with Mythologizing History."

Scott McLemee,"The Power of Postpositive Thinking," Inside Higher Ed, 2 August, reports on the Future of Minority Studies' Summer Colloqium at Stanford University.

"China Intellectuals Decry Closure of Website," Reuters, 2 August, reports on the latest effort to control the Internet in China. As it points out, Chinese authorities have apparently also recently suppressed the blogs of Woeser, a Tibetan intellectual.

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