Blogs > Cliopatria > Dumb and Dumberer-er

Aug 4, 2006

Dumb and Dumberer-er

Perhaps you have already come across Laura Ventura’s recent opuscule Academics Footnote Liberals Exclusively, “brought to you by Accuracy in Academia.” It is available here.

But for your sake, I hope you have not seen it. It is the kind of thing that, while you are reading it, actually makes you dumber. My own IQ, for example, has now fallen 20 points just from providing the link.

"In a nutshell," Ventura writes,"deconstruction is a method for discrediting historical theorists such as Aristotle and Plato for the sole purpose of promoting Derrida’s own beliefs." She also mentions that the footnotes of commie pinko professors lack references to such important"theorists" as"Thomas Jefferson and Mark Twain."

What do we learn from this? Well, now that I'm feeling a lot dumber, it's pretty obvious: For one thing, Laura Ventura has access to secret (yet doubtless fascinating) texts by Plato and Aristotle, in which they reveal themselves as “historical theorists.”

Nobody else has ever referred to Plato or Aristotle as that -– what, with neither of them offering any substantial body of philosophical reflection on history, and all.

I think it’s cruel of her not to reveal what their theories were. But maybe Accuracy in Academia is banking on a big publicity blitz, like National Geographic did with"The Gospel of Judas"?

Let’s not even get into Jefferson and Twain as"theorists." I bet Twain’s stuff is all in dialect.

Scott Eric Kaufman did some initial head-scratching about Ventura’s complaints, over at The Valve. But it’s Timothy Burke who had taken the next logical step of recasting the syllabus so that contemporary students can escape the liberal brainwash.

Thank you, Laura Ventura! Keep up the good work.

(Ordinary I would think that people who have clearly never read a word of Derrida should avoid making firm statements about the implications of his thought. But you don't win friends and influence people in the Culture Wars by having any idea what the hell you are talking about, right?)

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More Comments:

Manan Ahmed - 8/4/2006

sadly, i never made it to the B-level. It was the botany pond. I would have slept with the Koi....

Scott McLemee - 8/4/2006

Yes, I am playing with that a bit. "Historical" in this context is probably an adjective meaning "dead."

What she means by listing Jefferson and Mark Twain as "theorists," however, is a mystery for the ages.

Unfortunately, combinations of words do not mean just whatever we want them to mean.

Otherwise the sentence "no, I won't go out with you" (for example) would have meant that my social life was quite enjoyable in my twenties.

Ralph M. Hitchens - 8/4/2006

Ummm.... were you having us on back there, re. Ventura's use of the term "historical theorists?" Because it seems to me quite clear that she used "historical" as a synonym for "ancient," or something similar.

Jonathan Dresner - 8/4/2006

Dying in the library, a victim of theoretical orthodoxy? Not my worst case at all.

Dying while grading, on the other hand....

Adam Kotsko - 8/4/2006

Did they trap you in the moving shelves of the "B" level, shouting at you to recant as thousands of pounds of books inched closer and closer to crushing you? That would be my worst-case scenario.

S J - 8/4/2006

I would totally buy that . . . we actually READ Mark Twain in a history class of mine once - but I doubt that would happen at Chicago.

Scott McLemee - 8/4/2006

That would not be pleasant.

Manan Ahmed - 8/4/2006

Once. In a class. I mumbled the words ...marktwain... Quick like.

but they. they heard me.

and then they hunted me down.

they cornered me by the Regenstein.

and then they shouted at me, passages from Archive Fever ... nay, the WHOLE THING.

its true.