Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Aug 8, 2006

Things Noted Here and There

Miriam Burstein's"How to Write a First Person Essay," appears in the current Chronicle of Higher Education! You read it, first, at the Little Professor. You go, Miriam!

So, you've been repeating that thing about the not Holy not Roman not Empire, have you? Well, Nathanael Robinson says you're wrong. Hmmm. Maybe I need to rethink that thing about the not Student not Nonviolent not Coordinating not Committee (nSNCC, for you nspecialists).

Lisa Chamberlain,"Preserving History and a ‘Fantasy Feeling'," NY Times, 6 August. Where, but in America, would people build a"Dutch windmill" next to a"Japanese pagoda", a"Spanish mission house", an"Italian villa", and a" classical Greek gymnasium" for finishing school sorority girls and, a hundred years later, seek to save them in the name of"historic preservation"?

"Jewish References Erased in Newly Found Nazi Bible," Daily Mail, 7 August. Ah, the follies of the Third Reich .... Seriously, I've read a number of accounts of the established church under the Regime, but I'd never heard of this. I wonder what, if any, further resistance it met.

Mark Grimsley,"Qana Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3," Blog Them Out of the Stone Age, 7 August, explores the tragedy at Qana in light of just war theory.

Finally, here's an episode of Penn & Teller's Bulls**t! on diversity, multiculturalism and speech codes in academe. Thanks to Anthony Dick at Phi Beta Cons for the tip.

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