Blogs > Cliopatria > Not Since Sliced Bread

Aug 10, 2006

Not Since Sliced Bread

For the kind of work that I do, Google and WorldCat have become the most important aids to research. Google's easily accessed, but WorldCat's locations of 1.3 billion items in 10,000 libraries around the world have been available only through institutional access. It's become available to the public here and now. Surely, the Kingdom is at hand. Thanks to Andrea Foster at The Wired Campus for the tip.

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More Comments:

Mark Brady - 8/10/2006

Yes, this is good news, particularly for the lay public who do not have access to OCLC FirstSearch. However, it is not a substitute for using FirstSearch to search WorldCat. I recommend researchers in universities to use Advanced Search if they wish to make sure they find what they are looking for.

Scott McLemee - 8/10/2006

Well, there went my morning.