Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Aug 16, 2006

More Noted Things

History Carnival XXXVII is up at Mode for Caleb. Your host, Caleb McDaniel, presents a fine selection of the best in history blogging. Go, feast, enjoy.

The BBC reports that"German Births Decline to New Low" (15 August). Thanks to Miami University's David Fahey for the tip. He notes, in part, that these kinds of demographic data seem germane to issues across the globe: Hispanic re-settlement in North America, the conflict between Palestinians and Jews in the Near East, the growing importance of and tensions in South Asia, etc.

Bruce Kuklick,"Text Messages," Books & Culture, July/August, reviews a new seven pound textbook and the didactic certainties of one of our colleagues in American history. Bruce Kuklick's exercise of free speech is one of its vindications in our time.

Wil S. Hylton,"Prisoner of Conscience ... Joe Darby Speaks Out," GQ, September, is the first public statement from the man who exposed the abuses at Abu Ghraib.

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Jonathan Dresner - 8/16/2006

I may have to use the Kuklick in my Historiography class next week. Excellent timing, thanks!