Blogs > Cliopatria > Additionally Noted Things

Aug 23, 2006

Additionally Noted Things

Brian Ulrich,"Scholarly Debates, Damascus Style," Brian's Study Breaks, 22 August, looks at academic engagements in the medieval Levant.

David Garrow,"A Twist in History," Washington Post, 23 August, reviews Garrett Epps, Democracy Reborn: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Fight for Equal Rights in Post-Civil War America.

Scott McLemee,"The Global Exception," Inside Higher Ed, 23 August, interviews Eric Rauchway.

Finally, A Symposium on Günter Grass: Niall Fergusson,"The Myopia of Hindsight," LA Times, 21 August, Peter Gay,"The Fictions of Günter Grass," NY Times, 20 August, Christopher Hitchens,"Snake in the Grass," Slate, 22 August, Tamas Laszlo Papp,"Grass and Istvan Szabo,", 21 August, and Nathan Thornburg,"Günter Grass's Silence," Time, 14 August, take up Grass's latest self-disclosure.

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More Comments:

Jonathan Dresner - 8/23/2006

If you mean this story, I can't find anything new on it. More specific citations might help.

David J Merkowitz - 8/23/2006

The Tolzmann situation is breaking Cincy. Check for the low down.