Blogs > Cliopatria > Carnivals upcoming

Aug 25, 2006

Carnivals upcoming

A quick reminder that the next History Carnival will be hosted on 1 September by Jonathan Dresner at Frog in a Well Japan. You can email nominations for recently published posts about historical topics to dresner[at], or use the submission form.

I need hosts for the History Carnival from 1 October onwards! You don't need to be a professional historian, but you do need some familiarity with the history blogosphere. New faces are always especially welcome but any previous hosts who'd like another go will be much appreciated too. If you want more info, check out the carnival homepage, and get in touch with me as soon as possible at: sharon[at]

And I'll be hosting an early modern edition of Carnivalesque over this coming weekend. So, if in the last couple of months you've read or written any outstanding posts about early modern (c.1500-1800 CE) history, literature, art, philosophy, music, etc, nominate them now! You can either email me at the address above or use this submission form.

PS: Thanks to everyone who's kept the carnivals up and running by organising, hosting, submitting posts etc, while I've been away this summer.

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