Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Aug 29, 2006

More Noted Things

"Sinning Boldly," Books & Culture, July/August, is Stephen Prothero's smart review of Oxford University Press's series of books on the Seven Deadly Sins. It is addressed, he says, to a culture that lacks a sense of either sin or hell.

Patricia Robertson,"Living Like a Queen Was Seldom Sweet," Toronto Star, 27 August, reviews Eleanor Herman's Sex with the Queen: 900 Years of Vile Kings, Virile Lovers, and Passionate Politics. Thanks to Alfredo Perez at Political Theory Daily Review for the tip.

Richard Overy,"‘How Gladly I Die This Noble Death'," Telegraph, 21 August, reviews Christopher Clark's Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600-1947.

Anna Mundow,"In the Ashes of an Inferno, A Lingering Debate," Boston Globe, 27 August, interviews A. C. Grayling, the author of Among the Dead Cities: The History and Moral Legacy of the WWII Bombing of Civilians in Germany and Japan.

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