Sep 23, 2006
Reading Their Minds
Ramadan, a month of daytime fasting, begins today. Mubarak. An ancient/medieval edition of
goes up on Monday 25 September at Blogenspiel. Send your nominations of the best in ancient/medieval history blogging since 25 July to carnivalesque*at*earlymodernweb*dot*org* dot*uk or use the form.
If you miss what some of my colleagues are thinking here at Cliopatria, I recommend that you read some of their other blogs:
Manan Ahmed's Chapati Mystery
Chris Bray's Histori-blogography
Tim Burke's Easily Distracted
Miriam Burstein's Little Professor
Jim Cobb's Cobbloviate
Rebecca Goetz's Historianess
Mark Grimsley's Blog Them Out of the Stone Age
Sharon Howard's Early Modern Notes
KC Johnson's Durham-in-Wonderland
David Kaiser's History Unfolding
Michael Kazin's Open University
Rob MacDougall's Old is the New New
Scott McLemee's Cogito Ergo Zoom
Nathanael Robinson's Rhine River
Hugo Schwyzer's Hugo Schwyzer
If you're in the mood for great R&B, rather than intellectual stimulation, Mr. Sun! and I recommend some PercySledge.