Blogs > Cliopatria > Still More Noted Things

Oct 4, 2006

Still More Noted Things

Henry Farrell at Crooked Timber has set up a fairly comprehensive Academic Blogroll. Available at both and at, the Academic Blogroll is set up as a wiki. As Henry says,"academics who want to add their own blogs or other academic blogs that they know of don't need to hassle me; they can instead go and update the list themselves." For more information, see its Most Frequently Asked Questions. The History Section of CT's AB is not so comprehensive as Cliopatria's History Blogroll, but that's largely because we include archaeologists, classicists, primary source and non-English language blogs, K-12, and non-academicians.

The new Common-Place is up! It has flowers, Swedes, Labor Day, Mormons, and much, much more.

Scott McLemee,"War Thoughts at Home," Inside Higher Ed, 4 October, explores a newly discovered poem of that title by Robert Frost.

Eric Alterman,"Stone Cold Untruths," American Prospect, 3 October, replies to Paul Berman,"The Watchdog," NY Times, 1 October. I. F. Stone continues to generate controversy.

Christopher Phelps,"Herbert Aptheker: The Contradictions of History," CHE, 6 October, reviews Bettina Aptheker's new memoir, Intimate Politics. Both Phelps and Herbert Aptheker's daughter write more sensitively about his behavior than I would. I've never been so enthusiastic about Aptheker's published work as Robin Kelly and some other American historians. His pedophilia in private puts an embarrassing light on all his public attention to exploitation. I'm told that the personal is political. See also: comments by Jesse Lemisch and Ronald Radosh.

Finally, John Holbo, Scott Eric Kaufman and Cliopatria's other friends at The Valve are holding a book event on Walter Benn Michaels' The Trouble with Diversity. Start here and just keep scrolling up.

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