Introducing The Military History Foundation
In the wake of John J. Miller's National Review Online article "Sounding Taps," in which so many senior military historians essentially endorsed the thesis that academic military history was all but defunct, I've run out of patience. Plainly a number of senior figures in the field would rather wring their hands in despair than do the work of developing a strategic plan to grow the field. Well, if nobody else will do it, I'll give it a go myself.
I've created a new domain,, and have begun to generate pages dealing with commentary on the state of the field and resources for building the field, especially in the realm of fund-raising. I've already interviewed one Ohio State development officer to begin learning to ropes; I meet with another this afternoon.
If it seems pretentious to pursue such an undertaking, you'll get no argument from me. But I'd rather be considered pretentious than passive. I figure at a minimum I can get the ball rolling.