Blogs > Cliopatria > CLIOPATRIA ON THE ROAD ...

Jan 16, 2004


Cliopatriarchs Ralph Luker and Wilson Moses will be lecturing in the midwest next week. On Thursday, 22 January, I will be at Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa. There, I will address the college's 11:00 a.m. convocation in Herrick Chapel on"Voting with Martin Luther King." By then, the results of the Iowa caucuses will be known and we can think further about the meaning of the franchise for King.
On Friday, 23 January, Wilson Moses will speak at 1:00 p.m. in the Eldersveld Room of the University of Michigan's Haven Hall. His talk opens an afternoon symposium on"African American Classicists in the 19th Century." It includes a panel discussion featuring Michele Ronnick of Wayne State University and Michigan faculty members, Kevin Gaines, Arlene Keizer, Simon Gikandi, and Julia Rosenbloom. The symposium is occasioned by the opening of an exhibit,"Twelve Black Classicists," which has been touring the country.
By the way, if you haven't seen it yet, read Josh Marshall's note on "Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., learns to blog." Well, it isn't quite that, but it's a great story.
Now we return to our regular programming ...

More Comments:

Invisible Adjunct - 1/17/2004

That sounds like just the topic for a convocation address. Good luck with your travels!