Blogs > Cliopatria > Even More Noted Things

Oct 13, 2006

Even More Noted Things

Asian History Carnival #8 is up over at Indus River! Rhindus River?

On Sunday, Robert Satloff of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy gave us a taste of his new book, Among the Righteous: Lost Stories from the Holocaust's Long Reach into Arab Lands. They are stories both Jews and Arabs need to hear. Thanks to Jon Dresner who let me know about them.

I hope you make David Kaiser's History Unfolding a regular read. If not yet, try: Kissinger Then and Now, Inside the War on Terror, The New Scandal, or A Plea for Sanity.

Mukund Padmanabhan,"‘Writing Can Be a Dangerous Activity'," The Hindu, 12 October, is an excellent interview with Kiran Desai, who just won the Man Booker Prize for her novel, The Inheritance of Loss.

Scott McLemee reviews The Black Book by Orhan Pamuk, who just won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Yesterday's Headline/Tomorrow's News:"Naval Interdiction Exercise Said Planned for Gulf," Washington Post, 11 October, backpages; alternatively,"Joint Naval Exercises Set for Persian Gulf," Washington Post, 12 October, p. 9:

Facing nuclear disputes with Iran and North Korea, the United States, Bahrain and other nations will hold their first joint naval exercise in the Persian Gulf on Oct. 31 to practice interdicting ships carrying weapons of mass destruction and missiles, U.S. officials said.

Hat tip to a reader of the dead trees' backpages.

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