Blogs > Cliopatria > Second Acts in French Lives

Oct 14, 2006

Second Acts in French Lives

Alain Juppé--he's back! The former prime minister of France, after serving fourteen months in jail and another year of political exclusion (for puting public funds to personal use), will again become the mayor of Bordeaux.

The French can be merciless with their politicians. Always suspecting them of corruption, ferreting them out, and becoming enraged at the relevation of their misdeeds--the public has a low tolerance level. Moreso than Americans, dare I say? However, many hommes de politique find their way back in government, forgiven at least by their home constituencies. The public does not endlessly resent them. By comparison, the rare American politician who is caught is pursued to the end of her or his days. Marion Barry is the exception, not the rule.

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