Blogs > Cliopatria > Cliopatria Welcomes Eric Rauchway

Nov 3, 2006

Cliopatria Welcomes Eric Rauchway

Cliopatria is pleased to welcome Eric Rauchway with a guest post. Professor Rauchway really needs no introduction to Cliopatria's readers. A member of the faculty at the University of California, Davis, he is a regular contributor at two of our favorite blogs, Open University and POTUS. Rauchway is a graduate of Cornell University and earned his doctorate at Stanford in 1996. Before joining the faculty at UC, Davis, he taught at the University of Nevada and at Oxford.

Professor Rauchway's three books, The Refuge of Affections (2001), Murdering McKinley: The Making of Theodore Roosevelt's America (2003); and Blessed Among Nations: How the World Made America have been extraordinarily well received and established his reputation as a very bright star among America's young political historians. His current work is on a fourth book manuscript, The Gift Outright: The Politics of Making a National Economy, 1867-1937.

Eric Rauchway's online discussions with Casey Nelson Blake, Michael Kazin, Rob MacDougall, Caleb McDaniel and others about transnational history, liberalism, and progressivism have been among the very best conversations this medium affords. We hope that Professor Rauchway will be a regular guest at Cliopatria.

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