Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday Notes

Nov 10, 2006

Friday Notes

It's back to the drawing boards, says Miriam Burstein, because her students no longer associate anything with the word"Victorian." Is a vacuum better than a stereotype?

Let Onan, Roy Orbison, and Robert Fulford explain to you why the TLS is indispensable.

Edward Rothstein,"Cowboys and Indians Reconsidered: The Mythic West, Lassoed in by Reality," Washington Post, 6 November. What happens when Gene Autrey's Museum of Western Heritage absorbs, first, Boulder, Colorado's Women of the American West Museum and, then, the Southwest Museum of the American Indian, with its collection of 250,000 priceless artifacts?

Michael Kazin,"Populist Appeal," TNR Online, 8 November, (subscriber only) explains how the"Democrats became the party of the people."

Timothy Burke,"The Bérubéan Moment," Easily Distracted, 9 November, reviews Michael Bérubé's What's Liberal About the Liberal Arts?

Asheesh Kapur Siddique,"Thought Police in the Lecture Hall," Washington Post, 28 October. A Princeton senior warns about the in-roads of David Horowitz's"Academic Bill of Rights." Thanks to Rebecca Goetz for the tip.

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