Conventions, Awards, and Carnivals
November's Perspectives is also online, with the news that the AHA's Roosevelt-Wilson Award will go to my Congressman, John Lewis. That's an improvement on its first Roosevelt-Wilson Award to Senator, former Klansman, and Porkmeister Supreme Robert C. Byrd. But it also prepares you for the hype about Atlanta being the"birthplace of the civil rights movement." Don't even get me started.
Don't forget to submit your nominations for The Cliopatria Awards. Throughout November, nominations will be open for:
David Noon will host History Carnival XLIII at Axis of Evel Knieval on Wednesday 15 November. Send your nominations of the best in history blogging since 1 November to him at jfdhn*at*uas*dot*alaska*dot*edu or use the form.