Blogs > Cliopatria > Still More Noted

Nov 15, 2006

Still More Noted

The horror in Chris McGreal's headline,"Hundreds of Thousands Raped in Congo Wars," Guardian, 14 November, is more than borne out by his particular stories. Thanks to J. Carter Wood at Obscene Desserts for the tip.

William J. Stuntz,"Doubling Down in Iraq," Weekly Standard, 20 November, provoked a lot of discussion on the net. Pro: Ann Althouse and Glenn Reynolds; Con: Hiram Hover and David Noon.

Scott McLemee's"You Hide, They Seek," Inside Higher Ed, 15 November, reviews Thomas Pynchon's Against the Day.

Finally, congratulations to John Hope Franklin and Yu Ying-shih, who will share the $1 million in this year's John W. Kluge Prize for the Study of Humanity. Following Jaroslav Pelikan, they are the second and third historians to receive the Kluge Prize.

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