Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Nov 21, 2006

More Noted Things

Richard Wightman Fox,"The Problem Apostle: How Garry Wills Rehabilitates Paul," Slate, 20 November, reviews Garry Wills, What Paul Meant. If, like me, you're a big fan of Fox, Wills, and Paul (or, even two out of three), this is a must read.

John Gravois,"Condemned to Repeat It," CHE, 24 November, looks at an Intercollegiate Studies Institute report that suggested a) appalling historical ignorance among contemporary undergraduates; and b) that some relatively obscure institutions were doing a better job of teaching historical literacy than were many elite institutions. While ISI was pressing the institutions for greater accountability, it still has not released critical information about its own test. Thanks to Sam Wineburg for the tip.

Boxes of three and a half decades of historical journals take up much of the storeage space here at Cliopatria Palace and, until now, I haven't known how to clear them out. Pillariseti Sudir's"Ready to Recycle Scholarship?" AHA Today, 20 November, comes to rescue, with suggestions about libraries which can still put them to good use.

Hey! We'll probably never know whether last month's discussions at National Review Online, Blog Them Out of the Stone Age, Cliopatria, Phi Beta Cons, Altercation, and Open University had any influence in the decision-making, but the history department at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, is advertising its search to fill the Ambrose-Hesseltine Chair in American Military History. Can I think of the name of someone who would be an excellent candidate for it? Er, yes, I can.

Finally, at SurveyUSA, you pick a Democratic and a Republican nominee for President in 2008 and it projects the count in the Electoral College.

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More Comments:

Jonathan Dresner - 11/22/2006

I'll have to go back and play longer: I never got any dead politicians. I was very struck by the overwhelming victories of McCain and Guiliani (and Gore, except against those two) which seem implausible. Love to know what they're using to make these determinations.

Ed Schmitt - 11/22/2006

This thing is a hall of mirrors - every time I click on the drop down menu new candidates appear, even dead ones. Apparently if they were pressed into service in 2008, FDR would hand it to Ronald Reagan by a margin of 430 to 108 (though it would pain him to know that the Solid South went Republican! Except for Tennessee - they must have added a permutation for the "TVA Factor."). :)

Ed Schmitt - 11/22/2006

Oops, I missed the fact you can choose other Republicans, including Mitt Romney, who would apparently lose to John Kerry by a margin of 526 to 12. Anyone else believe Tom Tancredo would win 82 electoral votes (more than Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee would garner) in a head-to-head matchup with Al Gore?

Ed Schmitt - 11/22/2006

As a parlor game the SurveyUSA map is sort of fun, but it has to be a little more realistic. According to their calculations, if McCain or Giuliani gets the nomination (and those are the only 2 possible choices), no Democrat can win. The closest anyone gets is John Edwards within 6 electoral votes of McCain. And it looks like America's Mayor might get a new moniker - Landslide Rudy - if he's the Republican nominee.

Oscar Chamberlain - 11/21/2006

I remain a bit dubious about Paul. But Wills' translation of the passage in Corinthians is wonderous.