Blogs > Cliopatria > Some of My Stuff

Dec 4, 2006

Some of My Stuff

This week, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in cases arising over school integration plans in Louisville, Kentucky, and Seattle, Washington. Earlier this fall, many historians, including me, reminded the Court that authors of the 14th Amendment understood that local efforts aimed at racial integration of public schools were constitutionally acceptable. If the Court finds these local plans unconstitutional, it could largely vitiate the gains achieved in the Brown decision.

Luker,"Sit In My Chair," Inside Higher Ed, 4 December, wonders if an endowed chair might honor such a creep that you'd refuse to sit in it. See also: Mark Grimsley's"Whodunit?" Blog Them Out of the Stone Age, 4 December.

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Christopher Newman - 12/4/2006

"Somehow, he fits it too well."

I agree, Mr. Luker. And I agree with your suggestion that it's possible to bring distinction to an otherwise ignobly named chair.

Ralph E. Luker - 12/4/2006

I wish I had remembered that. I'm not sure that Joel Kovel, who sits in it, brings great distinction to an otherwise ignobly named chair. Somehow, he fits it too well.

Christopher Newman - 12/4/2006

I just had to add a shout-out for the Alger Hiss Chair of Social Studies at Bard College.