Blogs > Cliopatria > That Conference Paper

Dec 7, 2006

That Conference Paper

In March, I am presenting on a panel at the annual meeting of the Association of Asian Studies. A few weeks ago, we co-panelists thought about ways in which we could enhance the process of writing and discussion on the papers before the conference happens. We are convinced that our idea for the panel could be turned into a neat little book and so, we wanted to invest far more longitudinal conversations than is common in panels [my advisor Ron Inden famously quipped:"A panel compromises of 4 people who never have to speak to each other."].

Since all the panelists were scattered around the country and could not meet in person [which would make life SO much easier], I felt that what we needed were 4 sets of networked documents - annotatable, referenceable. That is, we would want to comment on an individual paper, comment on that comment, and refer to some section on a similarly marked up different paper. Perhaps, a pdf or Word document with tracking enabled and a template, being mailed back and forth, continuously. Um, no.

My working notion, then, was to create a private wiki where the co-panelists will post our papers and get those conversations started: post our primary materials, notate the main trajectories of our arguments, etc. I think it would have worked reasonably well.

Today, however, Ben Vershbow and the amazing people at Institute for the Future of the Book introduced me to their notion of a networked working paper: Mitchell Stephens's The Holy of Holies: On the Constituents of Emptiness. Taking off of their earlier work on McKenzie Wark's Gamer Theory, this newly imagined paper provides each section with a dynamic margin to the right of the text where one can post comments on individual paragraphs, and also annotate the text with links and refereneces to related materials. One thing I can think of adding is a space for the meta-discussion - that is, the discussion of the paper as a whole.

One can easily see the immense potential of this - especially in the many-to-one discussion model. That is, a number of people commenting/parsing one basic text. I can easily see dissertation committees all over the land jumping up and spilling their coffees in excitement. Oh wait, they never read those things.

As Ben mentioned,"I think the history community should pay attention... this is something they could really use." I couldn't agree more. This is also a great illustration of how web 2.0 technologies can impact humanities. I think the key part of this experiment is to mould technologies to get their benefits without necessarily rupturing the ways in which academia functions. This is a positive and welcome step in that direction.

So, how about it, Ben? How does your prototype scale to a panel?

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More Comments:

William Harshaw - 12/8/2006

Manan: I didn't know I was referring to "Writerly", also "writely", but some googling shows I was. Apparently Google bought it in the spring and combined it with a spreadsheet app and released the combined product as "Docs&Spreadsheets" in October.

It may not have the power of more specialized products, but it has the appeal of widespread availability. Experience will show what tradeoffs are best.

Manan Ahmed - 12/8/2006

Are you referring to Writerly? Which allows many users to create/edit one document? Yes, that can also tweaked for such purposes but massively so.

William Harshaw - 12/8/2006

Not to plug for Google, but you might also look at their new shareable documents software. It provides some of the same capabilities as a wiki. I think you can go to for info (or google "shareable documents google".

Benjamin Vershbow - 12/7/2006

Thanks Manan for getting the word out. A meta discussion area is something we plan to add soon (keep in mind this was thrown together very quickly to have it up in time for the conference -- Mitch is presenting tomorrow at 10am). New features are being added as we speak.

As for the panel idea, this is definitely a next step and could be done using Word Press's trackback function (as you suggested to me in an email). We'll be doing a lot of work with this format in the weeks and months ahead and already have several projects lined up that will use some version of it. We're also working on something that allows finer grain commentary -- line by line, or even word-level.

Our hope is to eventually productize it as an open source tool that people can just plug and play. But for now, we're still in the experimental phase. Our ears are open to criticism/suggestions, and to any projects folks in the history community might want to try.