Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Dec 12, 2006

Things Noted Here and There

On 15 December, Eric Scott Kaufman will host History Carnival at Acephalous. Send your nominations of the best in history blogging since 1 December to him at acephalous*at*gmail*dot*com or use the form. On the 16th or 17th, Miriam Jones will host an early modern edition of Carnivalesque Button at scribblingwoman. Send your nominations of the best in early modern history (oh, say, 1450 to 1850 CE) blogging since oh, say, 22 October to her at jones*at*unbsj*dot*ca or use this other form.

Niall Ferguson,"Another Way to Interpret This Report is ‘Stay But Don't Screw Up'," Telegraph, 12 December, calls for a much closer reading of the ISG Report than it has had.

Cliopatria's friends over at Auburn have another scandal on their hands. (I'm afraid that I've lost count of them.) Margaret Soltan at University Diaries calls it a"whorehouse" that ought to lose its accreditation. I have a soft spot in my head for some of Auburn's denizens, but Soltan has an eye for state university scandal: Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Hawai'i, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey."Corrupt states maintain corrupt campuses, fine green quads ruled by fuckwit cronies of the governor's," she says.

Finally, congratulations to David Noon of Axis of Evel Knieval and Lawyers, Guns, and Money, who has won the contest for the best parody of Victor Davis Hanson. According to the judge, Noon's parody of Hanson had just"the right amount of bluster leavened with cluelessness." Speaking of parodies and spoofs, Ethan Rafuse at Civil Warriors points out that Tom L. Connelly's classic, Will Success Spoil Jeff Davis?, is available online. Just click on the page to read. It isn't recommended for those who take"the wah" too seriously.

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