Blogs > Cliopatria > Noted Things Here and There

Dec 18, 2006

Noted Things Here and There

Carnivalesque #22, an early modern edition of the history festival, is up at scribblingwoman; and Teaching Carnival #18 is up at xoom. Brandon Watson at Siris hosts Carnival of Citizens II. Its theme is"Justice, War, and the Quest for Peace." Enjoy yourself!

Tristram Hunt,"A Hold on the Past," Guardian, 9 December, reviews Chris Wrigley's AJP Taylor: Radical Historian of Europe. Thanks to Arts & Letters Daily for the tip.

In"The American Historical Association and Free Speech," HNN, 18 December, I call attention to"Spotlight on Speech Codes, 2006: The State of Free Speech on Our Nation's Campuses," FIRE, 6 December. If you have time only to read one of them, read FIRE's report.

"'We now have as close to an objective truth about an event as we've ever had in history,' he said." Does this statement say anything? What am I missing?

Finally, on Saturday Night Live, Nancy Grace sends Holiday Greetings to the Duke lacrosse players accused of rape and to our colleague, KC Johnson.

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More Comments:

Ralph E. Luker - 11/17/2009

Ms. Dees: Ignore the fact that you commented at a post that is now three years old. Ignore the fact that the post had NOTHING to do with Shaniya Davis. Are you simply an idiot or do you want HNN to sue you for libel?

Diane Dees - 11/17/2009

I believe Nancy Grace and HNN have blood on their hands...I believe Shaniya was murdered because of the publicity...she could identify the predator. Though Nancy Grace's program sometimes does good...I believe in this case...she helped end the life of Shaniya.
Diane Dees