Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Dec 19, 2006

Things Noted Here and There

The American Historical Association meets here in Atlanta on 4-7 January. The deadline for pre-registration is 22 December. There is considerable information available in December's Perspectives and the Annual Meeting Supplement online. The Cliopatricians will gather for our 4th Annual Banquet on Friday, the 5th. The business meeting on Saturday 6 January at 4:45 p.m. will consider three resolutions. I expect to support all three.

At H-Diplo, Alaska's David Noon and Iowa State's Christopher Ball tackle"A Dictator's Double Standard," Washington Post, 12 December, an editorial that is remarkably soft on Chile's Augusto Pinochet.

Andrew Sullivan,"Thirty Years' War Brewing in the Middle East," Times OnLine, 17 December, pursues an historical analogy we've considered before. In the Middle East, it appears that we may get the war without the reformation.

Finally, Cliopatria surpassed a benchmark yesterday, when one of our sitemeters topped 500,000 hits. Thanks for reading. Come back often.

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More Comments:

Nathanael D. Robinson - 12/19/2006

I've also read that political-religious turmoil in the Middle East is their Reformation. The problem I have with either interpretation is that the Reformation fertilized the soil for the Thirty Years War, and paved the way for new chapters in religious fanaticism.