Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Dec 29, 2006

More Noted Things

The program for the American Historical Association convention in Atlanta, 4-7 January, is online. A small percentage of the sessions have online, pre-circulated papers. Unless you like being read to, this has to be the wave of the future.

Mark Grimsley,"Beyond the Culture of Complaint," Blog Them Out of the Stone Age, 28 December, is Mark's assessment of the health of military history in the contemporary academy.

The North Carolina Bar Association has filed an ethics complaint against the prosecuting attorney in the case against Duke's three lacrosse players. The Smoking Gun has the text of the complaint. For more, see: Durham-in-Wonderland.

Finally, my virtual son, Michael de la Merced, has a clip of Dana Carvey on the death of Gerald Ford in 1996. No disrespect for the departed intended, of course.

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More Comments:

Nathanael D. Robinson - 12/31/2006

They'll be cheesy choreography, too, and perhaps backyard-style intellectual wrestling.

Ralph E. Luker - 12/31/2006

So I'm to have papers read to me via YouTube? zzzzz ....

Nathanael D. Robinson - 12/31/2006

Reading for yourself? You're kidding me. Even in the AHA's slow evolution, YouTube is probably the next step.