Blogs > Cliopatria > Open Access Research

Jan 9, 2007

Open Access Research

This is, yes, a plug for yet another new journal, but it's concerned with issues that I feel are vitally important for academics in all fields (perhaps especially for us rather backward humanities types, though it transcends disciplinary boundaries). Ever felt frustrated about how few people are able to read the publications you sweated and agonised over? Or by how much important academic publishing is out of your reach because of your institution's tiny library budget? Open Access Research is"a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that will enable greater interaction and facilitate a deeper conversation about open access", and the editors are looking for submissions for the first issue in August 2007 (deadline 31 March 2007) and onwards, to be published 3 times a year.

More details here.

If you don't know what Open Access is about yet, here are good places to start:

Open Access Overview
Open Access News, Peter Suber's blog.

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