Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday Notes

Feb 3, 2007

Friday Notes

Mary Beard,"Keeping the Armies Out of Rome," TimesOnline, 31 January, reviews S. Dillon and K. E. Welch Representations of War in Ancient Rome.

Fergis M. Bordewich,"History's Tangled Threads," NY Times, 2 February. The author of Bound for Canaan: The Underground Railroad and the War for the Soul of America reflects on popular fabrications about the underground railroad. Thanks to Manan Ahmed for the tip.

Jan Friedmann,"Buchenwald Mobilizes against Holocaust Deniers," Der Spiegel, 31 January, announces that the Buchenwald Memorial is documenting and making photographs from the concentration camps available on the internet. Currently, you can search an archive of 600 photographs here. Thanks to Dale Light of Light Seeking Light for the tip.

Stanley N. Katz,"Philanthropy's New Math," CHE, 2 February, reviews recent work on 20th and 21st century American philanthropy.

Douglas Greenberg,"George Bush goes to College," Slate, 31 January, reviews the history of uneasy relationships between presidential libraries and academic institutions. Greenberg argues that SMU ought to agree to accept the Bush library, but reject the companion"think tank."

Finally, at the Newseum, you can view every day's front page of 565 newspapers from 55 different countries. Thanks to Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo for the tip.

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