Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Feb 4, 2007

Things Noted Here and There

Asian History Carnival #11 is up at Frog in a Well/Japan. Jonathan Dresner is your host!

dgs,"Sex Objects: New Exhibition Pays Tribute to 100,000 Years of Sex," Der Spiegal, 2 February, reviews a new exhibit at the Neanderthal Museum in Mettman near Düsseldorf.

Ariel David,"Rome Subway Planners Try to Avoid Relics," Washington Post, 2 February, explores the competing claims of preservation and urban development. By contrast, the AP reports that the looting of Afghanistan's treasures continues unabated.

Michael Alison Chandler,"A President's Illness Kept Under Wraps," Washington Post, 3 February, reports the release of new information from the papers of Woodrow Wilson's doctor.

John Heilemann,"The Loneliest President," New York Magazine, 5 February, introduces a symposium on Bush, with contributions by Alan Brinkley, Christopher Buckley, Franklin Foer, Gary Hart, Melvin Laird, Dalia Lithwick, Joshua Shenk, and others. Thanks to Kevin Murphy at Ghost in the Machine for the tip.

Christopher Hitchens,"AntiSovietchek No. 1," Opinion Journal, 3 February, looks back over Robert Conquest's remarkable career.

Michael Riorden,"Stringing Physics Along," physicsweb, February, reviews Lee Smolin, The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next.

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