Blogs > Cliopatria > The Piper's Pay

Feb 8, 2007

The Piper's Pay

And what shall we file this under? Consequences, Unintended? This, The World Has Come To?

And AHA wants to keep its moral clarity.

From here.

The Society for Ethnomusicology condemns the use of torture in any form. An international scholarly society founded in 1955, the Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM) and its members are devoted to the research, study, and performance of music in all historical periods and cultural contexts. The SEM is committed to the ethical uses of music to further human understanding and to uphold the highest standards of human rights. The Society is equally committed to drawing critical attention to the abuse of such standards through the unethical uses of music to harm individuals and the societies in which they live. The U.S. government and its military and diplomatic agencies has used music as an instrument of abuse since 2001, particularly through the implementation of programs of torture in both covert and overt detention centers as part of the war on terror.

The Society for Ethnomusicology

1. calls for full disclosure of U.S. government-sanctioned and funded programs that design the means of delivering music as torture;
2. condemns the use of music as an instrument of torture; and
3. demands that the United States government and its agencies cease using music as an instrument of physical and psychological torture.

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More Comments:

Ralph E. Luker - 2/9/2007

Manan, In January 2006, the AHA adopted a resolution against the use of torture. The text of it is here.