Blogs > Cliopatria > Still More Noted

Mar 6, 2007

Still More Noted

Teaching Carnival #21 is up at The Salt Box!

Denys Lombard,"Another Mediterranean in Southeast Asia," Japan Focus, 4 March, [originally published in Hérodote, #88 (1988): 184-92] argues that the South China Sea basin ought to be treated as a region in the same way that Fernand Braudel treated the history of the Mediterranean. Hat tip.

Daniel Gross,"The Capitalist Manifesto," Washington Post, 4 March, reviews P. J. O'Rourke, On the Wealth of Nations. More referenced than read, it is, by friend and foe alike.

Robin Marantz Henig,"Darwin's God," NY Times, 4 March.

Jackson Diehl,"The House's Ottoman Agenda," Washington Post, 5 March. A study in times when historical accuracy and national political interest run at cross-purposes.

Point/Counterpoint: Eric Hobsbawm,"War of Ideas," Guardian, 17 February; and Steven Schwartz,"Eric Hobsbawm's Stalinist Homage to Catalonia," Jewcy, 5 March. Hat tip.

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