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Sudha Shenoy - 4/14/2007
There _might_ still be a few. The true conservatives would remain, of course -- but the possible opening for genuine liberals might winkle them out of the woodwork -- both from within & without the Tories.
Mark Brady - 4/12/2007
And what makes you think there are either any genuine conservatives or genuine liberals left in the Conservative Party?
Sudha Shenoy - 4/12/2007
Because then the Tories can be split into the genuine conservatives -- in the Hayekian sense -- & the genuine liberals, who appreciate social & economic processes, the common law, & are suspicious of govt per se.
Mark Brady - 4/12/2007
Why might a permanent Tory majority in the House of Commons herald the day of the true liberal?
Sudha Shenoy - 4/11/2007
No, I exaggerate. The Scottish seats are overwhelmingly Labour, but the bulk of Labour seats are _south_ of the border. Nonetheless, an independent England means a much _smaller_ bloc for Labour. There's hope yet.
Sudha Shenoy - 4/11/2007
The bulk of Labour seats are north of the border. With a permanent Tory majority in the House of Commons, the day of the true liberal may come at last...Roll on liberation.