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Apr 22, 2007

Saturday Notes

At Dan Cohen's"Syllabus Finder," you can search"838,309 syllabi at the Center for History and New Media and over 500,000 syllabi via Google."

Michiko Kakutani,"The Long Hot Summer and the More Perfect Union," NYT, 20 April, reviews David O. Stewart, The Summer of 1787.

Ronald J. and Mary Elizabeth Zboray,"Paying Attention," H-Net, March, reviews Scott A. Sandridge, Born Losers: A History of Failure in America.

John Elfreth Watkins, Jr.,"What May Happen in the Next Hundred Years," Ladies Home Journal, December 1900, looks ahead to the world in 2000. For many more past looks at the future, see Matt's Paleo-Future. Hat tip.

Jeff Sharlett,"Keeping It Unreal," New Statesman, 16 April, reviews Hugh Barker and Yuval Taylor's Faking It: The Quest for Authenticity in Popular Music. Hat tip.

The quotable Adam Gopnik:"Pornography was to British writers of the fifties what the Communist Party was to French writers of the time: they didn't entirely approve of it, but felt that being attached to it would keep them from being seen as mere intellectuals." Hat tip.
The quotable James Carville:""Rudy Giuliani has been married more times than Mitt Romney's been hunting." On the leading Democratic candidates, the Louisiana native said"Mama needs more spice, and Obama needs more seasoning."

Greg Mitchell,"‘Devastating' Moyers Probe of Press and Iraq," Editor and Publisher, 19 April, anticipates an upcoming report by Bill Moyers that looks back on the MSM's coverage of the run-up the the invasion of Iraq.

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