Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Apr 30, 2007

More Noted Things

Carnivalesque XXVI, an early modern edition of the festival, is up at Brandon Watson's Sirus. Enjoy yourself! Jeremy Boggs will host History Carnival at ClioWeb tomorrow, 1 May. Send nominations of the best in history blogging since 1 April to him at jeremy*at*clioweb*dot*org or use the form.

Ellen Nakashima,"Sexual Threats Stifle Some Female Bloggers," Washington Post, 30 April, explores a serious threat to the blogosphere.

Karen Armstrong,"Balancing the Prophet," Financial Times, 27 April, reviews Robert Spencer's The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion, Eliot Weinberger's Muhammad, Barnaby Rogerson's The Heirs of the Prophet Muhammad and the Roots of the Sunni-Shia Schism, and Tariq Ramadan's The Messenger: The Meanings of the Life of Muhammad. Hat tip.

Walter Isaacson,"Cold War Realist," Washington Post, 22 April, and James Traub,"Who Put the ‘Cold' in Cold War," NY Times, 29 April, review John Lukacs's George Kennan: A Study of Character.

John Steele Gordon,"The Box That Changed the World, 51 Years Ago Today," American Heritage, 26 April, is an essay on the invention of the obvious.

Michael Dirda,"The Man Who Did More for the Arts in America than Anyone Else," Washington Post, 22 April, and Dwight Gardner,"The Outsider Insider," NY Times, 29 April, review Martin Duberman's The Worlds of Lincoln Kirstein.

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More Comments:

Grant W Jones - 5/1/2007

Aloha Ralph,

I forgot to include this interesting article about Mark Moyar on his career travails.

I'm looking forward to reading Moyar's book on the Vietnam War "Triumph Forsaken."

Your welcome for the link...