More Serious Notes
Tim Burke,"Archives, Nations, Ownership," Easily Distracted, 30 April, hosts an important discussion about the control of archives.
Scott McLemee,"Digital Masonry," Inside Higher Ed, 2 May, explores google and digital history with Jacques-Alain Miller and Bill Turkel.
Radley Balko,"Tanks for Nothing," Reason, 1 May, beat me to the punch on this story from the AJC. Given a sorry recent history of police abuse of power in the Atlanta area, why in hell would Doraville, Georgia (population: 10,000) have use for an armed personnel carrier? Forty years ago, Jackson, Mississippi, became a national laughingstock when it fielded a $15,000 armored car against civil rights demonstrators. We're laughing at you, Doraville! Here's more on police abuse of power -- in Los Angeles.
Even at this distance from a national election, articles like Bruce Bartlett,"Get Ready for Hillary," National Review, 1 May, and Michael Wolff,"Crazy for Rudy," Vanity Fair, June, bode ill for Republican hopes.