Blogs > Cliopatria > Conversations

May 5, 2007


Patrick Porter's"Time, Blood, and Money" about the relative importance of the Russian and the Western fronts in World War II generates discussion both at Oxblog and Nathanael Robinson's Rhine River.

Gary Shapiro,"Mark Moyar, Historian of Vietnam, Finds Academe Hostile to a Hawk," NY Sun, 30 April, gets a chilly reading in David Noon,"Conservative Sob Stories, Lawyers, Guns, and Money, 2 May.

There are strong reactions to Harvey C. Mansfield,"The Case for a Strong Executive," WSJ, 2 May, from: Glenn Greenwald at Salon; hilzoy at Obsidian Wings; and Mark Kleiman and Steven M. Teles at The Reality-Based Community.

Recommended Elsewhere:
Justin Taylor,"The Codex Seraphinianus ...," Believer, May, is recommended for members of the Athanasius Kircher Society, practitioners of Patahistory, and other assorted geeks.
Patricia Cohen,"A Split Emerges as Conservatives Discuss Darwin," NY Times, 5 May;
Larissa MacFarquhar,"The Conciliator: Where is Barack Obama Coming From?" New Yorker, 7 May; and Casey Blake,"Obama and Niebuhr," Open University, 4 May.

Finally, after three years of good conversations, farewell to Horizon. We'll still meet them in comments at Cliopatria, but its members have shifted to individual interests: Alan Allport's War Starts at Midnight, Ben Brumfield's Collaborative Manuscript Transcription, and Martha Bridgam's manuscript on the Tule Lake internment campsite.

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