Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday Notes

May 10, 2007

Thursday Notes

Scott Jaschik,"Inclusivity or Tokenism?" Inside Higher Ed, 10 March, features three of the usual suspects and an added dimension. Count this among the AHA follies.

Cathy Cockrell,"Leon Litwack's Last Stand," UC Berkeley News, 8 May, reports on the last classroom lecture of Berkeley's remarkable historian. Thanks to Paul Harvey for the tip.

Congratulations to winners of Columbia University's Lukas Prize Project Awards for Nonfiction: Lawrence Wright for The Looming Tower: Al Quaeda and the Road to 9/11, James T. Campbell for Middle Passages: African American Journeys to Africa, 1787-2005, and Robert Whitaker for his manuscript,"Twelve Condemned to Die: Scipio Africanus Jones and The Struggle for Justice That Remade a Nation." Congratulations also to our colleague, Scott McLemee, who has joined The Huffington Post as a contributor. HuffPo has one of largest audiences on the internet.

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