Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

May 29, 2007

More Noted Things

Isadore of Seville has a bountiful supply of links to historical and mythological sources. See also: Isadore's Wiki Classical Dictionary. Hat tip.

Mark Twain's"The War Prayer," too controversial to be published in his lifetime, has now been made into a short video. It is very powerful. Thanks to Kevin Drum at Political Animal for the tip.

Harold Evans,"The House of Waugh," WSJ, n.d., reviews Alexander Waugh's Fathers and Sons, a book about his frightfully talented family. Hat tip.

Nadia Kizenko,"Church Merger, Putin's Acquisition," Opinion Journal, 25 May, looks skeptically at the reconciliation of émigré Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia to the authority of the Patriarch of Moscow. Dr. Kizenko is an associate professor of history at SUNY, Albany.

The University of Colorado's President Hank Brown has recommended to its Board of Regents that Ward Churchill be fired. See also: the Chronicle of Higher Ed, the Denver Post, Inside Higher Ed, and the Rocky Mountain News. Brown's" confidential" letter to the Board is here; Churchill's attorney responds to Brown's letter here. Thanks to Margaret Soltan at University Diaries for the tip.

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