Blogs > Cliopatria > Wednesday Notes

May 30, 2007

Wednesday Notes

Neatorama has a series on historical means of execution,"This Won't Hurt a Bit: A Painlessly Short (and Incomplete) Evolution of Execution," including Crushing by Elephant, Crucifixion, The Brazen Bull, Ling Chi, Cave of Roses, Keelhauling, and Spanish Donkey. The Guillotine, by comparison with the others, seems humane.

By now, it's all over the internet. "Enhanced interrogation" or"Verschärfte Vernehmung" is a term coined by the Gestapo in 1937. After World War II, its techniques were judged to be war crimes and they were punished by death.

There's a good conversation going on about publishing what Rebecca Goetz calls"amazing Mr. Book." Begin with (and don't forget to read the comments): Tenured Radical, Sivacracy, and Legal History Blog.

Scott McLemee,"Bookapalooza," Inside Higher Ed, 30 May, looks forward to the the National Book Critics Circle's panel on"The Intellectual History and Culture of the Book Review" at New York's Book Expo America, the trade show of the publishing industry.

Rob MacDougall,"Dungeon Master Zero," Old is the New New, 28 May, picks up on a conversation among the Cliopatricians at January's AHA convention. Absolutely great stuff.

Jeffrey Goldberg,"Party Unfaithful: The Republican Implosion," New Yorker, 4 June, is fascinating reading. Both parties implode with regularity, he suggests. They survive in spite of themselves.

Finally, congratulations to Margaret Soltan, whose University Diaries has opened a branch campus over at Inside Higher Ed.

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More Comments:

Ralph E. Luker - 5/30/2007

Are you talking about Newt Gingrich, Ralph Reed, or me? If me, I'm using Fred Thompson as a stalking horse. Ralph and Newtie are hoping for appointments to Emory's history department.

Andrew Ackerman - 5/30/2007

oh, i thought the larger point was that GOP has no definitive leader. this is a perfect opportunity for a mostly retired academic/preacher man from georgia.

Ralph E. Luker - 5/30/2007

Sorry. Fixed now. Really, you and Tim ought to agree on some others for a panel at an AHA convention. That was the best part of our conversation over lunch at the convention. The connections that you posit are absolutely fascinating.

Rob MacDougall - 5/30/2007

Thanks for the link, Ralph!

One minor finicky request, when you get a chance: if you remove the last "#more-155" bit of the URL, the link will display my whole post, including the conversation at the AHA (which Jon Dresner has confirmed and Tim Burke has not denied), and not jump to the part below the fold. I'm sure Cliopatria readers are capable of scrolling up, but you never know.

Ralph E. Luker - 5/30/2007

If there's anything that Cliopatria needs, at this point, it's some real blood and guts. U da man!

Manan Ahmed - 5/30/2007

Oh those are little pillow fights compared to the execution discussed in my dissertation with dispassionate glee. Not spilling my guts, ahem, here but do expect a post in the future.