Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday Notes

Jun 7, 2007

Thursday Notes

You are invited to sign the Scholars for Peace in the Middle East's petition of Academics and Professionals Standing In Solidarity With Our Israeli Academic Colleagues Against All Boycott Proposals and Actions.

Adam Kirsch,"A Degradation of the Intellect," NY Sun, 6 June, reviews Attendant Cruelties by Harvard's distinguished historian of the French Revolution, Patrice Higonnet. Contempt for the Bush administration is probably justified, but it's a disasterous organizing principle for a history of the United States. Professor Higonnet, I served with Alexis de Tocqueville; I knew Alexis de Tocqueville; Alexis de Tocqueville was a friend of mine. Professor, you're no Alexis de Tocqueville. Hat tip.

Ian Buruma,"Fascinating Narcissism," NYRB, 14 June, reviews Steven Bach's Leni: The Life and Work of Leni Riefenstahl and Jürgen Trimborn's Leni Riefenstahl: A Life.

William Grimes,"The Partition that Divided a City and a Civilization," NY Times, 6 June, reviews Frederick Taylor's The Berlin Wall: A World Divided: 1961-1989.

"John Lott Seeks Gag Order in Defamation Lawsuit Against Steven Levitt," CHE, 6 June. Put a sock in it, John!

Finally,"Retired Gen George Washington Criticizes Bush's Handling of Iraq War," The Onion, 6 June, gets it just about right. Thanks to Manan Ahmed for the tip.

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More Comments:

Nonpartisan - 6/8/2007

But oh, the stench, the stench!

Ralph E. Luker - 6/7/2007

As a matter of fact, NP, I met Mme de Stael at a local watering-hole last night. She could not have been more receptive. A bit long of tooth, but receptive.

Manan Ahmed - 6/7/2007

I will have you know that our Chief Cliopatrian can easily pick up the whole bar - let alone any dates - anytime he feels like it.

Any assertion to the contrary will result in a lifetime ban from the internets. We have ways.

Nonpartisan - 6/7/2007

Admitting that you served with Alexis de Tocqueville is probably not the best way of picking up dates at bars...