Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Jun 10, 2007

Things Noted Here and There

Cliopatria's History Blogroll continues to grow. We've just added another dozen blogs to its lists. Somehow, we'd missed Politics & Letters by James Livingston of Rutgers and Joseph Gabriel of UC, San Diego, until now. At one place or another, Professor Livingston has been blogging since 2004.

Andy Grundberg,"When Central Europe was Photography's Frontier," Washington Post, 10 June, reviews the National Gallery's new exhibit,"Foto: Modernity in Central Europe, 1918-1945". Don't miss WaPo's online show of selected photographs from the exhibit.

Based on past experience, Tim Harford,"What the History of the Electric Dynamo teaches about the Future of the Computer," Slate, 9 June, foresees vast changes ahead.

Tony Karon,"How the 1967 War Doomed Israel," Rootless Cosmopolitan, 3 June, is a long post, but well worth the read.

Roderick MacFarquhar,"Mission to Mao," NYRB, 28 June, reviews Margaret MacMillan's Nixon and Mao: The Week That Changed the World.

Finally, farewell to Richard Rorty, who died on Friday of pancreatic cancer.

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