Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Jun 11, 2007

More Noted Things

Drake Bennett,"The Revisionist," Boston Globe, 10 June, profiles Drew Gilpin Faust. As a historian, she's taken some risks, but that may not be her style as senior administrator at Harvard. Thanks to Manan Ahmed for the tip.

Scott Jaschik,"DePaul Rejects Finkelstein," Inside Higher Ed, 11 June, outlines issues, including collegiality and departmental governance, raised by DePaul's denial of tenure to Norman Finkelstein. Jaschik offers light on a case that's had more than its share of heat.

New York's Horace Mann School has dismissed Andrew S. Trees, a teacher who had published a satirical novel about an elite private school, and refused to allow its student newspaper to publish a letter signed by a long list of distinguished historians in his defense. In a qualifier, NYU's Jonathan Zimmerman argues that primary and secondary teachers do not and should not have the same degree of academic freedom that college and university faculty should have.

Finally, our colleague, KC Johnson, will be in Raleigh, NC, all this week. He will be live-blogging the ethics trial of Durham's district attorney, Mike Nifong, at Durham-in-Wonderland.

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Rebecca Anne Goetz - 6/11/2007

That's an excellent article about Drew Faust.