Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday Notes

Jun 14, 2007

Thursday Notes

The NY Sun's Adam Kirsch argues that those who can, publish; those who can't, blog, but Dwight Gardner and Sam Tanenhaus at the NYTBR get it: introducing Paper Cuts: A Blog about Books.

At Rome Reborn 1.0, courtesy of the University of Virginia's Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities and its partners at UCLA and elsewhere, you can get a video birds-eye view of ancient Rome, walk through the Colosseum, look over the Roman Forum, and tour the Basilica Maxentius. Hat tip.

Emily Bazelon's"Never Mind, I'll Just Sit Here in the Dark: A Brief History of the Jewish Mother," Slate, 13 June, introduces Joyce Antler's You Never Call! You Never Write! A History of the Jewish Mother. Don't miss the slide show.

A Rorty Roundup: Casey NelsonBlake, Richard Byrne, Todd Gitlin, Jürgen Habermas, John Holbo, Jacob Levy, James Livingston, Scott McLemee and Danny Postel's last interview with Richard Rorty.

Under"more videos", Raleigh, North Carolina's WRAL-TV has a feature story on our colleague, KC Johnson, and his blogging of the Duke lacrosse case here. See also:"Today's Special" on a sandwich board in Raleigh.

Finally, at a glimpse:
"US States Renamed for Countries with Similar GDPs," Strange Maps, 10 June;
John Podhoretz on"Antioch Closing Rules"; and
A cartoon review of Christopher Hitchens, G_d is a Big Jerk. Thanks to The Corner and Andrew Sullivan.

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Nonpartisan - 6/15/2007

Many thanks for the link to James Livingston's post. To add another to your list, the pseudonymous Cassiodorus also has up an excellent post on Rorty at ProgressiveHistorians.