Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday Notes

Jun 28, 2007

Thursday Notes

Ohio State University Press's open access initiative makes over 60 of its books available in pdf format. Hat tip.

"Age of Exploration," History Now, June, features articles by Ted Widmer, Alfred Crosby, Daniel Richter, James Horn, Laurence Bergreen, and Simon Middleton.

Mark Grimsley's"Military History 101," Blog Them Out of the Stone Age, 27 June, is the first of a series,"Letters to Rebecca," about incorporating military history in general U. S. history courses.

This morning, the Supreme Court handed down its decisions in Parents Involved in Community Schools v Seattle School District #1, et al. and Crystal D. Meredith, Custodial Parent ... v Jefferson County Board of Education, et al.I was among 60 historians who filed an amicus brief urging the Court to recognize the constitutional right of local school boards to consider students' racial identity for the purpose of maintaining a desegregated public school system. Seven other historians filed a companion brief to the same effect. This morning, the Court announced its decision in the two cases. By a 5 to 4 vote, it largely rejects our appeal. Chief Justice Roberts wrote the opinion for the majority. It was joined, in part, and rejected, in part, by Justice Kennedy, who has been in the majority in every one of the Court's 5 to 4 votes this session. You can read the opinions of Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Thomas, Kennedy, Breyer, and Stevens here.

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Andrew D. Todd - 6/28/2007

Here's a link to the Ohio State University Press collection which bypasses the idiotic Java code.

They cited the pages below in the the HTML source, in a "noframes" branch, but for some reason they did not use a "nojava" branch to activate if Java should be turned off. Well, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing... ;-)